Seasons Greetings friendlings!
Guess who's baaaack!? (oops - queue a thousand apologies for leaving it 6+ months since my last post, I've had serious writers block, but here's my explanation why!)
So major update time! I quit university! (Yikes!)
Now before you all start to freak out (like I expected most reactions to be) - what are you going to do!? You were so close!? What a waste no!?
Let me tell you, never in my life has a decision felt more right for me. You see, university and myself, we didn't exactly get along, infact from the moment we met, I knew we would be worst enemies! (But this will come as no surprise to you if you've read some of my previous posts.)
But as right as it may have felt, that doesn't mean it was an easy decision for me to make.
For months I thought about the idea, I'd list out the possible pros and cons in my head..
But you see, when listing the pros for staying at uni, I could only think of two reasons.
The first being that I was so close to getting my honors degree, something that would surely come to benefit me later in life.
And the second, simply to keep those around me happy, and not disappoint.
Suddenly it occurred to me that these were the most ridiculous reasons to be doing something I didn't enjoy so much! And so with that in mind, I picked up the strength I had left in me (thanks uni for draining most of that from me also!) and I approached my mum. I told her I was quitting, and I guess in telling her, I managed to tell myself that the decision was final.
Now let me tell you, if there are any of you out there, who are scared (like I was) to present this mad idea to your parents, worried they'll be angry, and disown you. Trust me now, you'll be pleasantly surprised! The support I have had from my family on this, has restored all the strength I needed to pick up the pieces of my life, and move on to a new and (hopefully) more exciting chapter.
But not only my family, the comments from friends and colleagues, describing what I did as "brave" and "having a lot of guts", the support from everyone has just been overwhelming. - Apparently I even managed to inspire one or two people to stand up for what they want.
Now, what concerns me here, is the fact that leaving university shouldn't really have to be classed as an act of bravery!?
Why are we in a society, that thinks it's OK to push the idea of going to university to be the "best/right thing to do", so that we are then led to believe that not doing it, then makes us somewhat wrong, or not as good.
I don't understand, I mean there's thousands if not millions of people in the world that have done just fine for themselves having not gone to university at all!
And another thing, we come out of university with the people around us expecting us to know what we want to do, and where we want to go from there. Newsflash people, how are we supposed to know what we want to do, if all we've done is sit in lecture halls and listen to others talk about one subject. You don't! In order to figure that out, don't we need to go out and try new things, find out for ourselves what we do and don't like or want to do!?
No wonder so many of us come out of university confsed about who we are and what our purpose is in life! (Anyone who has had a"university emotional breakdown" will know all too well!)
So what now? Well. Now that I have the freedom to go and explore what I do and don't want to be doing, that's exactly what I intend to do. I am ready, for my journey of self discovery!
- But not to worry, I'll be staying at the Disney Store atleast over the Christmas period. Because I'm just not quite ready to hang up my Cast Member badge just yet! -
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical!