Wednesday, 8 January 2014

"Fish are friends.. not food!"

Hello everyone!
So recently myself and a friend of mine, Sian (, were disheartened greatly after watching a documentary known as "Blackfish". For those of you who have seen it.. you will understand the hatred towards Sea World it will bring to your hear.. And for those of you who haven't.. I think you need to make a point of watching it as soon as you can! It will change your life.

Myself, I grew up having never visited any water parks such as Sea World, but dreaming of it ever since I could walk and talk. From the age of about 1 to 4, I lived in Inverness, and my parents used to take me to the Moray Firth river, to watch the dolphins leaping from the water. Ever since then I was always fascinated by dolphins and the like, therefore I took it in my head that when I grew up I wanted to be a dolphin trainer of some sort (this as well as a mermaid ofcourse!). I also went around telling everyone it was my dream to swim with dolphins, and ofcourse this is only really possible in places such as Sea World, so to me, they seemed like one of the most magical places on earth.

In 2012, I was looking for a documentary to watch online (those of you who know me will know that I love nothing more than a wonderfully odd documentary when I'm bored!), when I stumbled across "The Cove". Which was to pretty much change my dream of swimming with dolphins forever. The Cove, was released in 2009 and is set mainly in Japan, where dolphins are hunted both for captivity and believe it or not to be sold as meat. Those of you who aren't good with distressing scenes and a lot of gore, be warned. However, it genuinely will open your eyes and your hearts to the reality of the situation in Japan. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the dolphin hunt is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and claims that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year by the country's whaling industry.

And just a couple of months ago, I stumbled upon "Blackfish". Released only last year, in 2013, once again, I was shocked to hear some of the realities of the way these beautiful animals live in captivity. This time, the documentary focuses around the captivity of orcas (or killer whales). And the story of one orca in particular, Tilikum, the largest male orca in captivity across the world. He holds a boastful title, however his backstory is ever so less boastful, having killed 3 people. But before you judge him, I beg that you take just a couple of hours to watch the documentary and open your eyes to his story, which is not to be overlooked. Having being captured from the wild at the age of only two, and separated from his entire family, he has lead a difficult life, being tossed from tank to tank and sold from one water park to another. The documentary shows the heartbreak as whale communities are torn apart and the young are stolen from their mothers, and even explains that whales have a part to the brain that even us humans don't have, resulting in them having an even stronger social, and emotional connection with each other than we can even imagine!
However, I think what shocked me the most about this documentary was the staff at Sea World, who on a daily basis spill out a splurge of lies to their guests. Now I wont be to quick to judge, they are reading from a script, and perhaps don't know any better than what they are reading, but telling people that the whales live longer in captivity, and that their fins are meant to be collapsed, when they clearly live twice as long, with a healthy erect dorsal fin surely is not right?
And to sum it all up, Tilikum is still there today, trapped inside glass walls of nothing. The park have barely any use for him, so why is he still there? There is no answer, so surely it is time they freed him no?.. I'll let you decide for yourself. But I know that I will never again look at these sickening parks in the same way again, and would no longer dream of paying money to swim with dolphins inside the repulsive walls of anywhere like Sea World ever again.

If after watching either of these documentaries, or even just reading this blog post (or Sian's), you would like to do something to try and help make a change, I have left the link to two petitions below. The first is to help the dolphins being hunted in Japan, the second to help send Tilikum to a seapen/rehab to eventually be re-released into the wild!

Sorry this blogpost hasn't been very cheery or magical, however maybe we can all make something magical happen if we all take part?

Until next time,
Stay Magical
Nikki x

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

All time favourite ads..

Hello everyone!
I've realised I've written a few blog posts about adverts.. but I've never written a post about my all time favourite adverts, and the kind of adverts I would love to help make some day. So here it goes.. my top six television ads of all time!
So of course my countdown wouldn't be complete without a Disney advert! This one ran in 2011 and featured home videos sent in by real families revealing to their kids that they are going to Disneyland! I think what makes this advert so special is that the videos are so real and so relatable.. I can still recall the moment my mum told me I was going to Disneyland.. (and yes, I may have shed a tear or two). I also love the tagline at the end "the magic begins the moment you tell them.. when will you tell them?". I get shivers just thinking about it!
Number 5 is this classic Sony Bravia TV ad, I think a lot of people remember this one, and I know whenever I hear the soundtrack it immediately triggers the ad in my head.
Ah, a Christmas advert! TV wouldn't be the same without them! Number 4 is the John Lewis ad from 2011 featuring the young boy who can't wait for Christmas. But the heartwarming twist at the end of the ad is what makes it, just when we think he's waiting to get his presents.. we realise the only reason he couldn't wait was to give his gift! Not receive it. Check it out for yourself!

Number three is my current favourite ad on the TV, British Airways holidays, because nothing makes me happier than holiday adverts on the TV! This ad follows a couple as they experience holidays all around the world, both action packed and relaxing. If you didn't want to book a holiday after watching this then you have no soul.
Number two in the countdown is this adorable vodafone ad! It follows a couple from their very first kiss to their very last kiss, symbolising the reliable and long lasting service of Vodafone. Possibly one of the cutest adverts ever?

Again this advert ran in 2011 (this surely must have been the year of great ads!), and the music, the words, the idea behind it, this advert strangely enough brings a tear to my eye, and for years - and probably many more years to come - will be my all time favourite ad. I definitely recommend you give this one a watch. If I can make anything nearly as good as this one day.. I'll be pretty happy.
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical
Nikki x

New Year.. New perspectives?

Hello Everyone!
First of all.. Happy New Yeaaaaar!
Second of all.. lets all forget this "new year new me" rubbish.. because why would you want to change yourself anyway. Infact.. my new years resolution this year (along with a few others) is to be nothing but myself, and love myself for it.
Why, as a society are we constantly in a love hate battle with ourselves and our reflections? Why can't we live in a world where it is acceptable to be our self.
It's time we took a look in the mirror and paused for a second.. take a good hard look and pick out all the things you see that you like, and take a second to realise that nobody else has what you have. Because after all, every single one of us is unique in our own way. Which brings me to my next point, we need to stop being so negative and judgemental towards others around us too. Just because someone looks a little different to you, that doesn't make them ugly. Just because you see something that you've never seen before, doesn't give you the right to instantly judge someone and assume that you're better than them.
Girls (and guys too), we need to make a change to the society that we live in today. If we just take a minute out of our morning to look in the mirror and appreciate one good feature about our self, we might find ourselves leaving the house feeling a lot more confident. And if we all start to feel more confident, maybe just maybe we'll find ourselves feeling a lot less intimidated by the 'beautiful women' in the media today. And maybe, the media will begin to realise that it's not just the super slim super flat chested women that should be shown as desirable to both men and women, after all, why would you want to be flat chested anyway? And maybe, as the media slowly beings to bring in all shapes, sizes and races of women, eating disorders will slowly begin to decrease.. Or maybe I'm just being naïve?
Perhaps we'll forever be stuck in this world where the media eat off our desire to the thin flat chested women we see on the tv, and perhaps our children and our childrens children will all wake up take a look in the mirror and begin the daily love/hate battle with their reflection in the mirror.
If only we had the power to change it all..
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical
Nikki x