Hello Everyone!
Sorry I haven't written a post in so long! But I'm back with a brand new post.
As some of you may, or may not know, I got my first tattoo just after my eighteenth birthday, just over a year ago now. And not a day goes by that I',m not glad I did it. You see, before I did, my family were quite sceptical about the whole idea, you see my mum has never really believed in the whole idea of drawing on your body for life thing. Since I was little I used to be that kid that came home with scribbles and doodles all over my hands and arm, and it used to drive my mum up the wall! But despite the negativity I decided to go ahead with it, it's something I've always wanted, and the tattoos I want are personal to me. And not just some random picture on my skin.
So my first tattoo, is inspired by one of my favourite movies (you guessed it, it's a Disney!) Peter Pan. It consists of three elements, an infinity symbol, the word 'young', and a feather. The word young is incorporated into the infinity symbol, and the feather is placed on the end, it represents the feather found in Peter Pan's hat. Basically the tattoo represents the fact that I will always be young on the inside, I want to forever embrace my inner child, even when my skin is old and wrinkly. So just like Peter Pan, I will forever be young on the inside. I don't ever want to reach a point in my life where I adopt the attitude that everyone needs to grow up completely and act as if their childhood is completely gone. The tattoo is actually on my ribcage, which I have heard is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo, but since it only lasted about 15 minutes, mine was pretty bearable.
This week, I have taken the decision to book my second tattoo! The excitement is already running high. My second tattoo idea, is very much close to my heart, as although they are the most critical about the idea, it is based on the representation of my family. The idea is based around a dream catcher. The dream catcher itself, is to represent my mum, as she has always been my biggest source of comfort, and I know I can always rely on her to chase any bad dreams and sources of negativity away. The next part to this idea, is two wolves right in the centre of the catcher, a fully grown wolf and a wolf cub. These are to represent mainly, my grandad and my dad. They are to represent the 'Mearns' family. I believe I come from a very strong, successful, protective family of men. This side of my family has always been very close, with a strong bond, just like a wolf pack in the wild, they always stick together, especially this past year, as have had to deal with my granddads battle against prostate cancer. I plan to get this tattoo on the top of my thigh, I'm dreading the thought of how painful this one will be though, since it will be a lot bigger and have a lot more shading!
The picture on the right shows the wolves for the top of the tattoo, while the picture on the left shows more of an idea of how I would like the bottom of the tattoo to look, more feminine.
There are a few other ideas I've had in mind for a while now too, and I still plan to get in the future! One of which is just the simple Mickey Mouse head consisting of three circles (picture below), I have also considered filling the shape in with a flag from my home country, the union jack or even some tartan! So that no matter where in the world I end up (hopefully America!) I'll always have a little piece of home with me! And finally the last idea I have in mind is some lettering, the words "faith, trust and pixie dust", yes, another Peter Pan inspired tattoo! These are all the things you need to be able to fly! Therefore they would be the perfect recipe to help give me the confidence to fly in life!
Basically, all my tattoos are very personal to me, and are all things that I am passionate about, or very much believe in, and mean a lot to me. So if you're considering getting a tattoo in the future, please make sure you stop to have a think about it first, will you regret it in 30 years time? Make sure it's something you really want! Not just an impulse action! Because a tattoo is for life.
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical
Nikki x