Monday, 8 September 2014

It's been a while.. But I'm blessed..

Hello Everyone!

So its been a fair while since my last blog post.. Its been nearly 5 months.. which is nearly a whole half of a year.. which is absolutely appalling.. I have no excuse. Other than summer, summer is an excuse right?
Oh summer, that whole week of sunshine we get here in sunny Scotland! All joking aside though, it's been a pretty incredible 4/5 months of glorious weather here this year, so I can't really complain! Aside from the fact that it's already back to those short grey gloomy days of nothing but clouds, drizzle, and that horrible chill that means there's no way we're leaving the house without a jacket now. Those horrible days that mean its dark by nine o'clock, which means it's back to walking home from work in the dark all over again!
But yes, where was I, summer, so while I haven't been writing blog posts, I have been a super busy bee! To list only a few of the things I've been up to in a few words.. Spain, Caravaning, Family nights, working, new tattoo, girly catchups, afternoon tea, spending money on things I don't need, working, spending, working, wedding, bought a kitten, lost a jacket, working, spending, sleeping yada yada yada.. You get the idea ;)
But this blogpost isn't going to be a negative one, despite the lousy weather and all the money I've spent (shall we not mention my beloved [favourite] topshop jacket..RIP).. the past few months I lost a few things important to me.. but despite that I also gained some new ones too! And all in all it has only made me feel so blessed and appreciative of those important things around me, and no, I'm not talking about our favourite Topshop jackets,, However much we love them. I'm talking about the people around us. Our friends and family.

I feel as though I've found myself in an awful habit of not reminding those who are of the most importance to me, just how much I do love them, and how much I appreciate them simply just being there. For if it weren't for their mere existence, my life could be far greater than the life I live today.
And sometimes, losing those who you had once thought the entire world of, can make you feel a little disorientated, like you lose faith in your judgement of those still hanging around you. But the truth is, they wouldn't still be hanging there if they didn't care now would they?
So here's to every single one of you lovely people I have met over the last 4/5 months. Those of you who I  had an acquaintance with, but never really knew. For those of you who I have met only the once, perhaps only for a second (while serving you at work), but who took a second of their time to just make a little conversation, smile, and who leave the conversation with a "thank you" and  "enjoy your evening" or "see you later". For those of you who I have met through friends or family, who have showered me in nothing but compliments. And finally to those of you, who I have known for a great deal of time, some longer than others, who still to this day continue to support me when I need you the most. You guys, this ones for you. You guys make me feel more and more blessed everyday, and your support will continue to inspire me to be a 'good person' with every day that you still stick by me. (Because to me, a good person is someone who takes time to appreciate the good people around them)Thank  you.

And Mum, I like to think this ones for you, because I still remember that conversation we had one lunchtime, about how we both like to think that even if we had nothing else, we know we have the best friends and family we could hope for. Love you Mum.

Special thanks to;Dad, Andrew, Leanne, Luke (and all his lovely family at the wedding), Victoria and Kat, Sian, Lisa, Hayley, Becca, Ellen.. And all my distant family who I don't see often enough, but who are often in my thoughts. 

Until next time guys,
appreciate those around you,
annnnd.. Stay Magical!

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