Monday 21 March 2016

DisneyLife.. Apparently it's a thing, not just a phrase.

Hello Everyone!

*disclaimer: everything is entirely 100% my own opinion and not that of The Walt Disney Company, I was not told to promote this or download the free trial, I did so at my own free will, and am purely writing this because I got over excited at just how fabulous DisneyLife actually is!*

So this month at work, we are promoting (in store) this new thing called DisneyLife. What is it? I hear you ask, well picture Netflix, but better.
Picture 100% Disney movies, TV shows, books, music, you name it. And not just your typical stuff either.. We're talking everything from your classics like Cinderella to all those super old forgotten about live action movies like the orignial Freaky Friday (no, not the Lindsay Lohan one, you uncultured swines!). We're talking all those old Disney Channel classics like That's so Raven to all those adorable Disney shorts like The Paperman and my personal favourite, The Ballad of Nessie.
And, if like me, you're a little bit of a park nerd, then you'll be absolutely over the moon at the sound of all those super old Park albums like "Date Nite at Disneyland" (and for those of you who don't know what this is, sort yer life out!) to the "Walt Disney World Band" album!
Or you know, if that's just not your style The Hannah Montana albums are on there beside The Jonas Brothers!

Long story short here, there is truely something on there for everyone, of all tastes.
And for those who have younger children, there is also some super useful tools on there like Staged Reading books, or parental controls should you feel you need them!

The best part of all of this, you can now try a FREE MONTH TRIAL. So instead of listening to me going on and on about how cool it is, you can go and try it for yourself right now! No strings attatched! And after a month should you decide you like it, it's only £9.99 a month! Which is practically nothing if you think about how much you're getting with it!? Did I mention you can even download things so you can listen and stream without even having to use the internet or data! Perfect for long car rides!

I will attatch below some screenshots of some of my personal favourites and recommendations as well as to give you a quick look at some of the features!

Anyway, the story here is that I think DisneyLife is really really rad. And I think you guys will too, so go on, give it a try!
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical
Nikki x

Tuesday 24 November 2015

University. Is it really for everybody?

Seasons Greetings friendlings!

Guess who's baaaack!? (oops - queue a thousand apologies for leaving it 6+ months since my last post, I've had serious writers block, but here's my explanation why!)

So major update time! I quit university! (Yikes!)
Now before you all start to freak out (like I expected most reactions to be) - what are you going to do!? You were so close!? What a waste no!?
Let me tell you, never in my life has a decision felt more right for me. You see, university and myself, we didn't exactly get along, infact from the moment we met, I knew we would be worst enemies! (But this will come as no surprise to you if you've read some of my previous posts.)
But as right as it may have felt, that doesn't mean it was an easy decision for me to make.
For months I thought about the idea, I'd list out the possible pros and cons in my head..
But you see, when listing the pros for staying at uni, I could only think of two reasons.
The first being that I was so close to getting my honors degree, something that would surely come to benefit me later in life.
And the second, simply to keep those around me happy, and not disappoint.
Suddenly it occurred to me that these were the most ridiculous reasons to be doing something I didn't enjoy so much! And so with that in mind, I picked up the strength I had left in me (thanks uni for draining most of that from me also!) and I approached my mum. I told her I was quitting, and I guess in telling her, I managed to tell myself that the decision was final.

Now let me tell you, if there are any of you out there, who are scared (like I was) to present this mad idea to your parents, worried they'll be angry, and disown you. Trust me now, you'll be pleasantly surprised! The support I have had from my family on this, has restored all the strength I needed to pick up the pieces of my life, and move on to a new and (hopefully) more exciting chapter.
But not only my family, the comments from friends and colleagues, describing what I did as "brave" and "having a lot of guts", the support from everyone has just been overwhelming. - Apparently I even managed to inspire one or two people to stand up for what they want.
Now, what concerns me here, is the fact that leaving university shouldn't really have to be  classed as an act of bravery!?
Why are we in a society, that thinks it's OK to push the idea of going to university to be the "best/right thing to do", so that we are then led to believe that not doing it, then makes us somewhat wrong, or not as good.
I don't understand, I mean there's thousands if not millions of people in the world that have done just fine for themselves having not gone to university at all!
And another thing, we come out of university with the people around us expecting us to know what we want to do, and where we want to go from there. Newsflash people, how are we supposed to know what we want to do, if all we've done is sit in lecture halls and listen to others talk about one subject. You don't! In order to figure that out, don't we need to go out and try new things, find out for ourselves what we do and don't like or want to do!?
No wonder so many of us come out of university confsed about who we are and what our purpose is in life! (Anyone who has had a"university emotional breakdown" will know all too well!)

So what now? Well. Now that I have the freedom to go and explore what I do and don't want to be doing, that's exactly what I intend to do. I am ready, for my journey of self discovery!
 - But not to worry, I'll be staying at the Disney Store atleast over the Christmas period. Because I'm just not quite ready to hang up my Cast Member badge just yet! -

Until next time guys,
Stay Magical!

Friday 16 January 2015

Tonight we gotta live for these days..

Hello Everyone!

Yes, I did just use Take That lyrics to title this post.. but it was just so fitting! (And I cannot for the life of me get that song out of my head! - oh how I wish I had the skills and technology to make it play as you read this post.. maybe some day!)

Tonight's topic you ask? I guess you could say it's nostalgia. And appreciating certain moments in time.. But first, I have a question for you, do you ever find yourself browsing through old photos? Reminiscing in the memories.. Cringing at that haircut.. Picking out those people who have been there since you were 2? Those who reappear in 99% of the photos? And those little things that have changed oh so much since then..?
And do you ever flick through a certain period of photos from your life, breathe for a moment and think.. THOSE were THE DAYS of my life.

You see, as I'm sure I've mentioned many may times, college, was quite literally the best days of my life.. But I find with college, there comes this stigma. A stigma that if you go to college, you're not very smart (or not as smart or as 'good' as those at uni), or you're not a hard worker, or you don't have very high goals in life, and that you just left school at 16 because you were that kid who always got a telling off.
But the truth is, I left school after 6 years, with 7 highers (including higher maths believe it or not!), and I was that quiet kid in the corner with the one friend who kept themselves pretty much to themselves, and I like to think that I'm working very hard to get to where I want to be at Disney.. Considering I didn't get accepted into uni when I left school.. I could have given up there and then.. But I didn't. And I never will.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I really wish people would have such fast judgements about college students (including you little brother!!). I met the most wonderful friends that I could ever have asked for in that place! Everyone of them with inspiring goals in life, some of them even one step closer to achieving them! (Mark..) And I quite frankly believe that I learned more in college in the first few weeks of being there than I have done my entire first semester of uni! No exaggeration, college was the best 2 years of my life, not only socially, but educationally too.

And I find myself looking through old photos sometimes.. And some of them will forever be some of my favourite photos ever, no matter how much me and my friends change or drift apart over the years...

But despite this.. there are aspects of my life today.. which if I could go back to those days, I would take along with me, because things just wouldn't be the same, and I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Until Next Time,
Stay Magical! 

This ones dedicated to all you maniacs who put up with me for 2 years of college, and to those of you WHO ARE STILL THERE TODAY! I LOVE YOU ALL AND I MISS YOU! xo (Mark, Becca, Sally? [I feel like I never see you!?hahaha] Dare I mention Matt Findlay in this? Should I pop in old Davie?)

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Late night emotional breakdown..

Greetings! (woah, thats right I changed my intro)

I come to you live, from my bed, past midnight, a week or so from many of my University deadlines.
In the past 4 hours or so I have cried a total of 3 times, and why you ask? Honestly I'm not sure I can answer.
You know when the tears just start, and you can't stop them, in the process pulling about 10 different faces between grinning, laughing and frowning hysterically. Basically I think I might be having one of those emotional meltdowns, who knows.
I guess I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. You see, working a job, while attending uni, and doing uni studies outside of class time, while trying to fit in extra little things just for yourself can be pretty demanding. In fact I barely get to do any of those extra little things these days..

I don't remember the last time I went home to see my family. I barely ever see some of my best friends outside of university. I'm lucky if I get to see my boyfriend once a week. My grandpa, who is in hospital recovering from major heart surgery, I don't remember the last time I seen him, and I haven't yet had a chance to visit him since his op.
I don't remember the last time I blogged?

And it's December 1st today (Well I guess it's technically the 2nd now).. It's meant to be one of the most happy and magical times of the year, bur I can't help but wallow in my self pity.

But the main reason for this blogpost is not to raise the points of my busy life schedule, but more to think about something else that has been on my mind.
You see, when we leave school after 6th year, we have usually been forced into making a decision as to what we want to do next.. Get a job? Go to college? Or if you're feeling super adventurous (or just blessed with the brains of Einstein) go to University.
You see me, I was lead to believe that university was like getting a gold medal.. That'e the one you wanna go for!
I remember when I realised I hadn't gotten the grades to get in.. I was a little devastated..
But none the less I left school and went to college instead. 
I'd like to make a note here,, There is nothing at this point that I would have changed for a place on the best university course in the world at the best university in the world. College, has quite frankly been the highlight of my entire life so far. I made some of the best friends I have ever had, and as much as I would hesitate to admit it at the time, I actually loved my course.

Those two years fled by, and suddenly I found myself taking a massive leap and applying for third year at university. It just seemed like the obvious next step to take..
Having been at university for about 3/4 months now, and nearly an entire semester.. I'm just not sure what to think any more. You see, I'm just not sure I'm enjoying any aspect of my course at all. All in all, University basically sucks. Its crap. Don't believe the hype.
But even then, to drop out seems unthinkable. Because for a start what happens then!? Where do I go!? What do I do!? It just seems stupid...
But at the same time... why should I continue if I'm not sure it's where I want to be?

Earlier I stumbled upon a video, (which pretty much triggered a stage 2 emotional meltdown).. But it made so much sense.

But then it got me thinking... Why are we forced into deciding what we want to do so early on!? How are we possibly meant to know!?

I also read a rather interesting blogpost online earlier (I got as desperate as to google "when you don't know what to do with your life" help!), which made some interesting points.
"The funny thing about life is that it’s set up to always be preparing us for something. But what society doesn’t seem to understand is that humans aren’t designed to stick to one path. Humans are free flowing, always changing, and always moving. One moment, we can be so joyful we want to start a flash mob in the middle of the train station, and the next we can be disheartened and hopeless.
Our feelings are ever changing and ever flowing, as are our thoughts, beliefs, interests, and our relationships with others."
"We spend our whole life in preparation. We don’t realize that while we were planning, we were missing out on the important things in life. While we were planning, we were missing out on the opportunities to relax and let the plan come to us. We were missing out on valuable time spent living our lives worry-free and stress-free. Nobody needs a plan or a set path to get to where they need to be, because where you need to be is where you already are."
One of my close friends dropped out of university at the very beginning, to chase his own dreams, and I now envy him a little for it.
I don't know, I guess I feel like I'm just standing on a bus.... Never sure where the bus is actually gonna take me?
But now I'm left feeling a little disbelief as to what my dreams actually are?......

Basically guys.. If not university,, but you don't know what you're dreams are.. then how are you possibly meant to find a career!? HOW DO I FIND MY PATH!?

Until next time guys,
Stay sane.. And Stay Magical

sorry for the not so magical post.. I guess stress is getting to me afterall!HAHA #universitylife xo

Monday 8 September 2014

It's been a while.. But I'm blessed..

Hello Everyone!

So its been a fair while since my last blog post.. Its been nearly 5 months.. which is nearly a whole half of a year.. which is absolutely appalling.. I have no excuse. Other than summer, summer is an excuse right?
Oh summer, that whole week of sunshine we get here in sunny Scotland! All joking aside though, it's been a pretty incredible 4/5 months of glorious weather here this year, so I can't really complain! Aside from the fact that it's already back to those short grey gloomy days of nothing but clouds, drizzle, and that horrible chill that means there's no way we're leaving the house without a jacket now. Those horrible days that mean its dark by nine o'clock, which means it's back to walking home from work in the dark all over again!
But yes, where was I, summer, so while I haven't been writing blog posts, I have been a super busy bee! To list only a few of the things I've been up to in a few words.. Spain, Caravaning, Family nights, working, new tattoo, girly catchups, afternoon tea, spending money on things I don't need, working, spending, working, wedding, bought a kitten, lost a jacket, working, spending, sleeping yada yada yada.. You get the idea ;)
But this blogpost isn't going to be a negative one, despite the lousy weather and all the money I've spent (shall we not mention my beloved [favourite] topshop jacket..RIP).. the past few months I lost a few things important to me.. but despite that I also gained some new ones too! And all in all it has only made me feel so blessed and appreciative of those important things around me, and no, I'm not talking about our favourite Topshop jackets,, However much we love them. I'm talking about the people around us. Our friends and family.

I feel as though I've found myself in an awful habit of not reminding those who are of the most importance to me, just how much I do love them, and how much I appreciate them simply just being there. For if it weren't for their mere existence, my life could be far greater than the life I live today.
And sometimes, losing those who you had once thought the entire world of, can make you feel a little disorientated, like you lose faith in your judgement of those still hanging around you. But the truth is, they wouldn't still be hanging there if they didn't care now would they?
So here's to every single one of you lovely people I have met over the last 4/5 months. Those of you who I  had an acquaintance with, but never really knew. For those of you who I have met only the once, perhaps only for a second (while serving you at work), but who took a second of their time to just make a little conversation, smile, and who leave the conversation with a "thank you" and  "enjoy your evening" or "see you later". For those of you who I have met through friends or family, who have showered me in nothing but compliments. And finally to those of you, who I have known for a great deal of time, some longer than others, who still to this day continue to support me when I need you the most. You guys, this ones for you. You guys make me feel more and more blessed everyday, and your support will continue to inspire me to be a 'good person' with every day that you still stick by me. (Because to me, a good person is someone who takes time to appreciate the good people around them)Thank  you.

And Mum, I like to think this ones for you, because I still remember that conversation we had one lunchtime, about how we both like to think that even if we had nothing else, we know we have the best friends and family we could hope for. Love you Mum.

Special thanks to;Dad, Andrew, Leanne, Luke (and all his lovely family at the wedding), Victoria and Kat, Sian, Lisa, Hayley, Becca, Ellen.. And all my distant family who I don't see often enough, but who are often in my thoughts. 

Until next time guys,
appreciate those around you,
annnnd.. Stay Magical!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

A Very Merry Unbirthday To Me!

Hello Everyone!

So this blogpost is actually about a month late, but hey better late than never!
So nearly a month ago, on the 23rd March to be precise, I was lucky enough to celebrate my very first birthday with the Walt Disney Company! And words could not describe my pride. (As cheesey as that sounds)
And this birthday got me reflecting an awful lot on the past year. And let me tell you what a year, but I feel truly privileged to have spent the last year in the magical second home of mine, The Disney Store.

First let me start off by telling you all that it truly is the people that make the place, and the company what it is today.
The last year I have truly met some of the nicest people I have ever known, there is not one person that I work with that I don't get along with, or that I would ever have a bad word to say about them. I love all my fellow cast members! (big shoutout to you all! - including you Hannah! miss youuu!)

Second of all, I would just like to express that we truly get some of the most polite and wonderfully mad at times (but don't worry, we're all mad here!) guests in our store! That truly make the experience that much more magical.. It's funny because as cast members, it's our job to make the experience magical for the guests, but in a way, they make it just as magical for us at times, even just the simple things like those guests who come in and immediately smile back at us, it makes all the difference in the world! And to those of you who come in and act with courtesy and respect, I really do thank you for it, you're making more of a difference to our lives than you probably realise, so thank you! :)

And finally, I would just like to express my genuine gratitude as to what the company has brought to my life over the last year! Not only has it brought me some wonderful friends, and some magical experiences that I probably won't forget for a long time, but it has also helped me become a much more confident and self-assured individual! A year ago, I had the voice of a mouse, and I was lacking the confidence to even go up to a counter and pay for things by myself. (I kid you not.)

So Disney, I thank you with all of my heart for the last year, and I look forward to many many more with you! And I'm one step closer to that dream of mine, becoming an Imagineer. If there's one thing the last year has taught me, it's to grab opportunities and suck out every positive it can possibly give to you, until you're ready to jump onto the next stepping stone.

Until next time guys,
Stay Magical

Friday 18 April 2014

This is me, I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be now..

Hello everyone!

Despite the post title.. no, this is not a camp rock blog post, as I'm sure you're all weeping with disappointment right now!

After what I guess you could be years of trying to figure out which Disney character I am most like, and trying to convince myself it was Ariel - purely because I was madly in love with her, I have finally figured it out!
And quite frankly I just don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner!

For those of you who have seen the Walt Disney Classic Pinocchio, you will all know who "Figaro" is! Yes, that little ball of fur of a cat who dances around Gepetto's legs and glowers at Cleo the fish. Well, I am Figaro. Figaro, is me. We are the same! And I have proof.

This next and last part of the blog post will include a series of gif's (pronounce that how you will ;)) and pictures of the ickle cutie patootie which I believe represent me in my everyday life, and you will soon see, that me and Figaro, must surely be long lost relatives. Not to mention the fact that I love cats. (She tells everyone for the millionth time). Enjoy.

1. Me every morning when I realise I have to get out of bed and face the 'outside world'.
2. Me when I go home and mum serves me a home cooked meal! #studentlife
3. Me when a sibling decides to 'clype' on me. (Yes Leanne, I mean you!)
4. Me when I arrive home after walking home in the rain from work/college..
5. Me the morning after the night before.. Look at the joy on my face when I realise I came home with everything I went out with!

6. Me after one of the following:
- I've bought something new
- I've watched a Disney movie
- I've seen a cat
- I've seen my mum! (She'll love that one! Hi mum!)

7. Me at home when my mum is trying to do work!
8. Me busting my moves on a Saturday night!
9. Me when I need to ask/borrow something from my mum/dad.

10. Well this one is just my life! Just like me, Figaro loves his bed! This is me at the end of any day when I jump into MY OWN BED! Ah there's really nothing better!

 Its just uncanny right!? Now if you don't mind it's time for me and Figaro to have a wild Friday night in and get some shut eye!
Until next time guys,
Stay Magical