Saturday 21 September 2013

Disney, talent and inspiration!

Hello everyone!

So yesterday, as I was browsing YouTube (as I do on a daily basis), I was enjoying one of Tyler Oakley's (he is just wonderful, please go check him out if you haven't already!) videos, I stumbled upon Sawyer Hartman. For those of you who don't know (much like me until yesterday), he is an actor/film maker, and a very talented one at that! You should definitely take a minute or two to check out some of his amazing videos, especially his "thru my eyes" selection. But anyway, I just happened to click on his "Disneyland thru my eyes" video, and for reasons I cannot even explain, I was left in a daze, I was just fascinated by it! The music, the use of editing, and camera effects! It genuinely was one of the coolest videos I have ever come across on YouTube! And all I could think was what a great advert it would be!

*now for those of you who don't know already, my dream is to work for Disney. (for the rest of my life - seen as technically I already do work for them! And I wouldn't change that for the world!) Ultimately my dream is to become an Imaginer, however I know this is one of the most difficult jobs to get into, probably ever, as you do have to be extremely talented! But I will put everything I have into achieving that dream! Thus, I do have a more realistic job goal! I would lovelovelove to work in advertising for Disney! (Hence my degree in Media ofcourse!)*

So now that you understand what I want to do, and what I witnessed before me on the wonderful world of YouTube, I have been truly inspired to work harder than ever towards achieving my job as a Disney advertiser! It just left ideas running around in my head, and the massive urge to spend money on an expensive camera and go out and film! (However, as we all know, I cannot afford this, as I do have a rather nasty habbit of spending my money on things I do not need! And not to mention the possibility of having to save up to stay in Florida next summer!) But for now, I do have my rather armature flip camera,which for now I shall use to go out and practise! And if I happen to actually produce anything even remotely promising, I will be sure to attempt to edit it together and share it with you guys!

In the mean time, my greater ideas shall just have to stay bouncing around in my head until I have the right equipment, set up (and talent!) to grow them!  But hey, all it takes is faith and trust! And a little bit of pixie dust!

So on that final note, I shall leave the link to my inspiration for this post and ever more so for my future ahead! Sawyers video! Please be inspired..

Sawyer's Dubstep Disney Video!

Until next time guys,
Stay magical!
Nikki x

Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Big Something!

Hello everyone!
So here is my (highly anticipated..) first ever weekly blog!
The big something is a post I will (attempt) to write every week, to keep you guys updated on all things I've been loving, hating, wearing, discussing etc and every week I'll even leave a little 'something magical' and 'something inspiring' to inspire you, my readers!
So without further ado, lets begin!

Something I've been loving..
Something I have been loving this week is cats. Yes, cats! Kittens, kitty cats, pussycats, felines.. call them what you will I just cannot get enough of them! Cats in hats, cats in glasses, cats on tshirts (a favourite of mine!), cats on jewellery and cats on my screensaver! Who doesn't love a good cat? But anyway I'm getting beyond the point here.. (Although I'm not entirely sure what my point is.. other than that cats are just great!). If anyone would like to buy me a cat please do!? I think I'll call him Mr Whiskertons!

Something I've been hating..
So something that I have definitely been hating this week is the fact that it's time to accept that summer is over. The mornings are colder, the evenings are darker and my tan is officially 100% fake. (I suppose it could be argued that I never really had a real one in the first place!) Don't get me wrong I love winter and I'm looking forward to snow, and the whole Christmas atmosphere. But it's autumn, you know that awkward season in-between where you just feel like your in limbo between Christmas and summer? and you don't know whether to hope for a little more sun or embrace it and look forward to the festive period ahead.

Something I've been watching..
So this week I would like to add a massive thanks to (my best friend always, sister from another mister!) Elaine, for introducing me to New Girl. Which I'll admit I had been meaning to sit down and watch a whole episode of for a long time! And she finally made me and I quickly felt myself getting drawn in and falling in love with both the characters and the storyline! (Nick and Jess, so much love!- those of you who watch it will know what I'm talking about!) But unfortunately I chose to start watching it just as the second series came to an end! I was sad! But I'm super looking forward to series three already! And for those of you who haven't checked it out yet, get on it! You will  not regret it!

Something I've been listening to..
Band: Rudimental.. If you haven't already listened to their album yet, then what are you waiting for!? Do it right now! On a serious note, there is not one song of theirs that I do not love, and their music just never gets old! And there's just something new and different about some of their stuff. Their collaberations with Emeli Sande are also outstanding! A definite recommendation from me!

Song: The Peter Pan Soundtrack (2003) - Flying.. Living about a 10 minute walk from my work in Aberdeen, means I walk to work every week. Which means I do enjoy a good power walking song, you know one that gets your pulse racing and your feet working? The kind that makes you close your eyes and picture yourself in a music video? (No? just me? oh.) Well this is definitely one of those ones! It's always a personal favourite of mine for walking to work, and you can never go wrong with a good instrumental song right? For those of you who love a bit of magic, you'll adore this one!

Something I've been wearing..
This week, I've been trying out Rimmel London's brand new "Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation" (in the shade 200 Soft Beige). I had high hopes for this foundation when I bought it as there is nothing I like more when it comes to foundation than a nice matte mousse! It feels so nice on your skin and it always gives great coverage without feeling to heavy and liquidy! (Is that even a word? Liquidy?) But I have been more than impressed with this foundation! It ticks all the boxes and stays on most of the day too! I would definitely recommend it to those of you looking for a new foundation to try out! :)

Something someone has said..
This week I met my Nana for a catch up over lunch (or a fly cup as she likes to call it!), and as we were spending time together she gave me some rather wise words of advice, without even realising it! My Nana does like to get on at me to 'stick in' in school, and life in general really! And as a joke she had said to me, "Just you stick in until you stick out!" to which she just laughed. But I paused for a second and had a thought about what she had said. And her joke had made more sense than I think she had intended it to! What sensible advice I thought! Because all we ever do is stick in to become the best we can be, and once we become that we want to stand out from the crowd so people will notice us for the potential we have! And with that I leave you again with the wonderful advice of Jean Mearns, "Stick in until you stick out!"

Something Elaine and I have done..
Hell hit home (or the flat) this week as our wifi router exploded! So we have been struggling to find things to entertain ourselves without the world wide web at our fingertips. So we were thrown back into our childhood as I broke out my super collection of Play-doh! I think it's safe to say we were probably much more excited than we should have been! But hey, who doesn't love a bit of Play-doh right?

Something magical..
So here's a little something magical for you guys this week..

Did you know that the real Peter Pan and Wendy are happily married?
Andy Ducote (otherwise known as Peter Pan at Disneyworld) and Hali Ducote (who also played Wendy) met and fell in love while working together at Disneyworld, so much so that they are now married and living their very own happily ever after! If that's not cute then I really don't know what is anymore! So there you have it girls (and boys), you really can have your magical happy ending after all, there is hope! Neverland here we come!

Something inspiring..
For something to inspire you this week I thought I'd leave a picture to make you smile..

Did I succeed?..
Until next time guys..
Stay Magical!
Nikki x

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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Life and new beginnings.. A bit about myself!

Hello everyone!

It's that time of year again, back to College!
And this year we get to make our own blogs!
I'm rather excited! I've played with this idea for some time now and just never got round to doing anything about it, but hey look who finally made a start! (With a little push from College of course!)
So lets get down to it, what to expect from this!?
All things Disney, my highlights as a Cast Member at my local Disney Store, my climb (*cue Miley Cyrus song*) to work at Disney World and a little taster of my life along the way too! (Including my never ending struggle to save money instead of buying things I don't need!) Expect some fashion, beauty, my partner in crime Elaine and a bit of boys of course!
So stay tuned for lots of magic and life dilemmas!
Stay Magical!
Nikki x