Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Big Something!#3

Hello Everyone!

Something I've been loving..
This week I have been loving having my natural hair colour again!
I did dye it a couple of weeks ago now, but since I have dyed it, it has faded and become more and more natural again. And I am diggin' it! Apparently it even makes me look older (this being a massive compliment to someone who was once ID'd for an age 12 movie in Morrisons.. Yeah you heard me).

Something I've been hating..
Something I've been hating this week is the fact that I'm starting to feel my old routine slowly climbing back into my life again. Early mornings, late nights doing college revision and spending my weekends at work. Oh how I miss long lies, and being able to stay up without worrying about getting up the next morning!

Something I've been eating..
So to those of you who say that the crusts are the best part of the bread, you are clearly kidding yourself! Stop lying.. Nobody likes the crust, we only eat it because we have to. Which is why this week I have been loving 'Crusts Away' bread! Pop it in the toaster and slap some Nutella on there! Yes! Mmmm.

Something I've been drinking..
This week, I have been attempting (and kidding myself!) to try and eat and drink more healthily than normal. I've even been drinking massive bottles of water! (I was judged when I took one into college with me - Yes Sian, I'm talking about you!). So I attempted to make a banana milkshake, and it turned out - not to brag - surprisingly well. In fact I'd even go as far as to say delicious! Just pop a banana a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream and some milk in the blender and voila! You can thank me later!

Something Elaine and I did..
As many people may or may not know, I don't really know how to change a light bulb. *sigh* yes judge me all you like but it's a lot more difficult than it looks! So this week Elaine and I managed to successfully change one in the living room. However it was not without it's drama as it involved various phone calls to parents asking for help, and I may have accidently burnt my finger on a hot bulb! Oops! No idea why we decided to change a bulb with the light switch turned on! Rookie error right there! The end result is I am now sitting with an ice pack to soothe my pulsating fingertip! Ouch!
Lesson learned: next time just get dad to do it!

Something I bought that I didn't need..
This week at work, the Christmas stock went out to the stage floor! - And as we all know, this only spells disaster for Nikki and her bank account! So after my shift at work this week I may have thought it appropriate to treat myself! I bought a beautiful new Christmas cup! And a Sven! - Now for those of you who don't know who Sven is, read (and watch) my something Magical.. He's the reindeer from the new Frozen movie and he is absolutely fabulous! We're in love!

Something Hot..
So this week I'm going to pick a man of the week (and the boys reading this will probably hate me for it, but what the hey!).
This weeks man of the week is George Shelley! For those of you who have seen Union J's new music video for 'Beautiful Life' you will have seen how adorable his little face is! I swear he's secretly a tiny puppy! I screen shotted his adorable face for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

Something Magical..
This week saw the release of the brand new trailer for Disney's newest movie Frozen! And you have no idea how excited I have been for this! And now I literally cannot wait for it to hit cinemas on December 6th! For those of you who get the chance you should definitely check it out! I'll leave the link to the trailer below!

Something To Inspire You..
And as always here is another inspiring picture to put a smile on your beautiful faces!

Until next time!
Stay Magical!
Nikki x

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